Artist: Sarah Wells; Austin
Tell Us a Little About This Mural:
I’m a graphic designer and my art over the years has evolved to reflect that. This mural was designed toward the Gen Z aesthetic. Through marketing, I know that we Millennials are on our way out as being the “unicorns”. Gen Z is entering into young adulthood so speaking their language visually has become a huge interest of mine lately. I’ve been studying the way the share on social media, lingo and what appeals to them visually. My hope with this mural is that is sparks the interest of teens and young adults and becomes well used for their social media presence. The idea is that getting the buy-in of the most cynical and sarcastic generation then in turn it will spark the interests older generations too. This mural is part of a personal on-going marketing experiment/research about how to best speak visually to the up-and-coming demographic of importance. This mural was painted by many ages. I had a nephew, 9, niece, 10, two of my daughters, 5 and 7, a kiddo friend and two of my sister-in-laws, from two separates sides of family, help get this piece off the ground and running fast. Having the kids helping really made it all the more fun for me. I think we wasted more paint that I would have liked but the kids had a blast and I enjoy being the wacky aunt. Some of them even call me Aunt Crazie. My niece Josie wanted to give the girl a name and decided it should be Cassie. That’s how the mural got its name.
What is your art medium and/or special techniques?
Jewelry Making, Knitting, Acrylic or Digital Media
Where do you find inspiration for your art?
Literally everywhere
What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about using visual elements to clearly communicate to target audience. I take the process of my designs very seriously and I’m really most interested in the results long after it’s complete.
Do you have any awards or achievements relative to your work as an artist?
Honestly, this sounds lame – but I don’t keep track of accolades.
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