Mermaid and Friends
Artist: Dana Reneé Hagan Barger; Cabot
Tell Us a Little About This Mural:
I’m pretty sure most people love a little fantasy in there life, such as a life size mermaid. Our lives have had Tinkerbell, Micky Mouse, and oh so many others to make us happy! With everything going on with the Corona Virus, my goal was to make someone smile….
What is your art medium and/or special techniques?
I prefer acrylics and use them more often than oil and watercolors. I think artists need to experiment with all mediums to see which one is best for them. My paintings are known for the amount of detail I use.
Where do you find inspiration for your art?
I love painting architectural pieces , nature, street scenes, and people. Inspiration comes from my travels and places I’ve been fortunate to live.
What are you passionate about?
To me, there is nothing like taking a plain white canvas and bringing it to life! Painting is my passion.
Do you have any awards or achievements relative to your work as an artist?
My work was accepted to Cantrell Gallery in Little Rock. I have a copyrighted series titled Lady Gems. My first juried competition at the Emerson Center/Foyer Gallery at Vero Beach, Florida, I was awarded third place in water based mediums . Second competition at Sebastian, Florida with Sebastian River Art Club, I came in second place at the Best Show Exhibit. I was secretary of the Sebastian River Art Club in Florida. I currently have Cabot Gallery & Art Club in Cabot, Arkansas.
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